Esileht Tutvustus Tegevus Looming Teenused ▾ Koostöö Kontakt In English
Kestus: 11.11 kuni 01.04.13
Kontaktid: Kaur Sarv, Keiti Kljavin

Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapitali sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ja avalike teenuste arendamise taotlusvooru raames alustasime sotsiaalsete teenuste (tuntud kui linnasekked) elluviimist.

Meie eesmärk on pakkuda ruumilise turvatundega seotud teenust, mis tõstab sihtrühmade (linnaelanike, kooliõpilaste, kohalike omavalitsuste esindajate, turistide jne) teadlikkust linnateemadest ja ohutust linnakäitumisest.

Usume, et ruumiline turvatunne tähendab, et ohutut ja turvalist linna loovad selle kasutajad, selles liiklejad, kodanike aktiivne tegevus ja hoolivus linnakeskkonnast ning linnajuhtide teadlikud valikud.

Teenuste elluviimisel kasutame erinevaid meetodeid: analüüsime olemasolevat olukorda ja korraldame selle põhjal harivaid, praktilise iseloomuga sekkeid: nt turvalisusega seotud probleemide kaardistamine ja lahendamine, ohutu koolitee koostamine kooliõpilastele ja linna terviseradade tutvustamine väliskülalistele. Analüüside põhjal koostatakse juhendmaterjale ning ettepanekuid kohalikule omavalitsusele (KOV-ile) linnakultuuri, st linnaruumis käitumise ja sellesse suhtumise edendamiseks.

Kodanikuühiskonna Sihtkapital rahastab projekti summas 18 478,03 €.

Perioodi juuli 2012 sissekanded

Ekskursioonid INURA konverentsil

01.juul   | projektis SOTSIAALSETE TEENUSTE ARENDUS   |   sisestas keiti

17.-24. juunil Tallinnas toimunud rahvusvahelise linnauurijate ja -aktivistide võrgustiku INURA aastakonverentsil viisime läbi seitse teemaekskursiooni. Ringkäike juhatasid antud linna teema valdkonnas pädevad giidid. Kõiki allpool olevaid ekskursioone saame korrata. Tellimiseks võta ühendust Kauri või Keitiga!

1) Opening Tallinn seaside

Places: Culture kilometer, Linnahall, Kultuurikatel, EKKM, Kalarand, Ilmarine, Patarei, Lennusadam, Noblessner, Kalamaja.

Story: Opening seaside has been one of the unattainable planning dreams in Tallinn. In the 1990s, freshly awoken from the lethargy of the Soviet times, the harbor area was considered as a promising "gold mine" in the city. But it all seemed too good to be true - today we can see that spatial planning and architecture run out of time and skill, the problems were lying (are they still?) way deeper than the tools that were chosen were able to fix. The aim of the tour is to experience the seaside planning issues in many perspectives. We look through the different plans and ideas for the past 20 years and we track on the spot how they have been realised. One of the principal theme is in which way have the developments managed to balance the private and public interests. And since there are still a lot to happen, we discuss the possible future scenarios and opportunities waiting to be discovered. On the background there is constantly the soviet union history, especially it’s policy on keeping the seaside closed for everyday use and phenomenons brought along by public ownership. How are the soviet time policies still influencing the seaside developments and what are it’s surprising outcomes?

2) Neighbourhood movements in gentrifying/-ied areas

Places: Professors´ Village in Kopli, Old Town, Kalamaja, Uus Maailm

Story: In recent years neighbourhood movements in Tallinn have gained new impetus - on one hand many new community organisations are established in milieu districts and on the other hand these organisations have become more and more competent in urban development issues. These trends have been mainly driven, by the recent construction boom, by the burgeoning civil society and as an opposition to the administration of the city of Tallinn. During the tour we will visit four milieu districts facing different stages of gentrification. In each district a representative of the community will explain their motives behind neighbourhood activism and give overview of their main topics of action. Be prepared to walk a lot, to get acquainted with the shabby Tallinn's public transport and to meet inspiring activists!

3) Creative workspaces

Places/route: Ptarmigan, Kultuurikatel / EKKM, Telliskivi, Lunch, Polymer, Rotermanni, Garage48 HUB

Story: The idea of work in the city, especially the work in the cultural sector has been an issue in Tallinn in particular during the last year's status as European cultural capital. This excursion will present a choice of spaces and places of work, but more importantly we will meet and discuss with locals and newcomers who will share their personal stories and their view on work in Tallinn.

4) Urban Gardening

Places: Soodevahe Village, Katlaaed, Flower Festival, Telliskivi, Polymer.

Story: The excursion takes a glance at the local scene of urban gardening. Tour consists of exploring the urban gardening projects and transformed industrial zones, visiting ¨post apocalyptic¨ communal gardens in Soodevahe and enjoying lunch at Cultural Factory ¨Polymer¨ rooftop garden. Between the checkpoints different parts of the city shall be visited, therefore there will be several possibilities to see local people's gardens and their setting for food production in urban context.

5) Modernistic housing estates

Places: Pelgulinna, Pelguranna, Mustamäe, Väike-Õismäe

Story: The tour takes a look at soviet housing built during the 1950ies to 1970ies. In the first part (Pelgulinna) we also have a quick look at the pre-war situation of housing estates around the city center. Soviet housing projects were aimed to alleviate the shortage of living space. This meant building enormous new housing areas in the style of the period - stalinism in the late 1940ies and beginning of 1950ies (Pelguranna), soviet modernism in the 1960ies and 1970ies (Mustamäe and Väike-Õismäe). The tour will give a sneak peek into life in a post-war suburb and the communal life (or the lack thereof).

6) Pirita and Lasnamäe - equality in the politics of the city

Places: Lindakivi cultural center, Kotka market, Kuristiku housing cooperative, Pirita protected natural reserve, Kelluka district

Story: Our excursion will start with visiting local market and a Soviet period service center. Then we will have a talk with the head of the housing cooperation to find out more about managing the big housing estates. After having a lunch in a shabby local bar we will continue with the new developments and also have a glimpse over the area where locals spend their free time on a summer day. The excursion will end in Kose, a private house area just next to Lasnamäe, demonstrating the stark contrast.

7) Transportation excursion

Places: Old Town, Narva maantee, Tallinn University, Tuukri street, Rotermanni quarter, Old Town, Balti jaam railway station, Ülemiste, Järvevana tee

Story: The tour deals with transport issues of Tallinn, where intensive car use is causing a strain on city's arteries, because no attention is paid to the public transport for 20 years. We are going to explore new urban ringroad plans, which usefulness is strongly questioned. In the city centre both parking and planning issues are explained. The final part of the tour takes the participants around the city by tram and train to show some of the main focal points in Tallinn transport developments (Kristiine and Ülemiste transport hubs). The tour will give an overview of urban transport system in one city, discuss its' shortcomings and possibilities, and explore current development of mobility activism.

Konverentsi töökeele tõttu on kogu informatsioon inglise keeles.


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MTÜ Linnalabor   2009-   |   Telliskivi 60A, Tallinn   /   juhatus [ät]

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