EST: "Aktivism post-sotsialistlikus linnas" on 2012. aasta suvel Tallinnas toimuv ärksaid urbaniste ja linnahuvilisi koondav rahvusvaheline linnalaager.
Tegemist on nädalase töötoaga, kus kohtuvad linnaaktivistid üle Euroopa, et vahetada kogemusi ja teadmisi ning leida uusi viise avaliku ruumi elavdamiseks. Laagri jooksul tutvutakse Tallinna, Eesti, Euroopa ja maailma viimaste aastate linnaruumi mõjutanud aktivismi-ilmingutega ning luuakse meetodid ja tööriistad jätkuvate sündmuste ning sekkumiste teostamiseks.
Laagrile järgneb rahvusvahelise linnauurijate ja -aktivistide võrgustiku (International Network for Urban Research and Action e INURA) konverents, millest on samuti võimalik osa võtta.
Täpsema info ja kava avalikustame jaanuaris 2012, laagrisse registreerimise avame 1. veebruaril 2012. Laager toimub 14.-20. juunil 2012 Tallinnas.
Laagrit korraldab Linnalabor ning seda rahastab Euroopa elukestva õppe programmi täiskasvanuhariduse alamprogramm Grundtvig. /
/ ENG: ‘Urban Activism in Post-Socialist Cities’ is an international workshop that takes place during 14th - 20th June 2012 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The workshop explores questions and issues of urban activism in post-socialist context, bringing together different people from all over Europe and sharing ideas on how to enliven and make difference in the public space.
During one week time we study the city activism examples in Tallinn, Estonia, Europe and the whole world and elaborate new methods and tools for realizing ongoing events and interventions.
We are expecting 13 motivated participants from different European countries, and local participants.
The workshop is followed by the INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) conference.
More information and the programme will be available in January 2012. The application period starts from 1st of February 2012.
The workshop is organized by Linnalabor (Estonian Urban Lab) and it has been funded with the support from the European Commission (European programme for Adult Learning - Grundtvig).
Korraldame juunis rahvusvahelise linnaaktivistide laagri, kuhu ootame osalejaid nii üle Euroopa kui ka Eestist, vt rohkem infot allpool.
Linnalabor (Estonian Urban Lab) is organizing an international workshop on urban activism on 14-20 June 2012 in Tallinn, Estonia. The workshop explores the questions and issues of urban activism in post-socialist context and is part of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning programme Grundtvig. We are expecting 13 motivated participants from different European countries, and local participants. The application deadline is 29 February 2012. To apply for the workshop and get more info, please visit
MTÜ Linnalabor 2009- | Telliskivi 60A, Tallinn / juhatus [ät]
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